Saturday, 14 March 2009

Fun at the park

I thought it might be a good idea to be able to put a face to the name Samuel so here are a couple of photos I took at the park today. He loved going on the swing and really would have liked to play football with the others but mean old Mummy wouldn't let him crawl around in the mud. They all had fun taking him down the slide and playing on the climbing frame. It was so good to get out in the fresh air it really lifts your spirits to see the sky it seems like I've spent so much time indoors lately without really achieving alot. I have managed to get Sammy started on some sound cards and also made him a family book which he thinks is great fun.

We went to a school fair earlier and managed to pick up a few new touchy feely books and also had a cuddle with some rabbits which was lovely he really liked them although he seemed really excited about their cages and the doors opening and shutting.

I must get on and get his bedroom finished we still have him sleeping in with us and the early mornings are getting a bit much, maybe if it was completely quiet and darker he would sleep longer. I want to be able to put the lovely quilts that he had from hospital and from my lovely friend when he was born, up on the wall it will look so colourful and bright!

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